Humber Employee Appreciation Week – Coming Soon

June 10 to 14 is Humber Employee Appreciation Week.

There will be campus-wide events, networking opportunities and food!

The overarching themes of the week are appreciation, gratitude and personal connection.

These themes are a reflection of Humber's goals and values. The week will provide an opportunity for employees to connect, recognize one another and rekindle relationships.

Faculties and departments can organize activities and events related to the themes of appreciation, gratitude and personal connection to engage their teams in their own way. 

Ideas for Faculty and Department activities will be coming soon…

Celebrating and appreciating all employees, Humber’s Organizational Effectiveness/HR Services will host events on two of the days at both North and Lakeshore campuses!

Get together, brainstorm, and plan an activity to celebrate individuals and your team between June 10 to 14!