Summer 2019 North and Lakeshore Campus Accessibility Audit Project

Notice of Project – Summer 2019 North and Lakeshore Campus Accessibility Audit Project

The Herrington Group Ltd will be on site at Humber College from early June until August 2019 performing accessibility audits on behalf of the Department of Capital Development and Facilities Management.

You may see the Herrington team out working in all college areas, measuring many things, and collecting data in both interior and exterior campus areas. Please allow them access to perform their work when they arrive in your area. It will not take them long and the work they are doing is minimally disruptive. Due to the scale and scope of this audit project we are unable to predict when they will arrive at your building.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this audit in general or the audit team’s request to access to your area, please do not hesitate to contact the CDFM Accessibility Audit Project team directly:

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.