Face Recognition Study Seeking Participants

Please see the research study notice below for information regarding a short psychology study examining variability in a sequential face-matching task we are conducting throughout this academic year at the University of Guelph-Humber. We would greatly appreciate your assistance in providing this information to interested students and members of faculty and staff of Humber College.


Research study notice:

Dr. Adam Sandford’s research team are seeking participants to complete a short (~30 minute) psychology study on variability in a sequential face-matching task. This study aims to better understand the utility of photo-ID in applied settings with potential implications for persons who identify faces for specific purposes (e.g., CBSA agent). Each participant will receive a $12 e-gift card from a selection of nine vendors.

Interested participants should contact Dr. Sandford at adam.sandford@guelphhumber.ca.

Interested participants will be emailed an information letter containing details about the study, participant rights, and the selection of 9 vendors.

Note: If you participated in the study “Face learning from photo-ID-style photographs vs. ambient photographs vs. average photographs” in the 2017-2018 academic year, you cannot participate in the Variability in sequential face matching study.

Thank you in advance for your interest in our research study.