Dr. Darren Lawless Among Four New Appointments to NSERC

Congratulations to Dr. Darren Lawless, Dean of Applied Research and Innovation, on his appointment to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). The Council sets the strategy and high-level policies for NSERC, with the goal of advancing research and development in Canada. NSERC’s Council consists of the President and up to 18 other members from the private and public sector.

Dr. Darren Lawless (Ph.D. and B.Sc. Inorganic Photochemistry, Concordia University) is an accomplished senior research and development executive. Prior to joining Humber College, he served as the first Dean of Undergraduate Research & Innovation at Sheridan College. 

Darren has been extensively involved with NSERC, serving on numerous committees, including chairing the Synergy Awards Committee, and multiple college project and program review committees. During his time at Concordia University, he received Undergraduate Research Awards and a graduate scholarship.

He has served as a volunteer member of numerous provincial and national research boards and organizations, including acting recently as the Vice-Chair of the Advisory Board for the Innovation Council of the Conference Board of Canada, a member of the Heads of Applied Research of Ontario, and invited NSERC and OCE project reviewer.

Darren has contributed to more than 50 Canadian and US patents and has more than 40 papers published in numerous refereed journals, peer-reviewed publications and conference proceedings.

The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science and Sport, announced the appointment of the four new council members:

  • Dr. Susan Chatwood, Scientific Director, Institute for Circumpolar Health Research; McCalla Professor and associate professor, School of Public Health, University of Alberta; and assistant professor, Institute for Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto
  • Dr. Darren Lawless, Dean of Applied Research and Innovation, Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
  • Dr. Ishwar K. Puri, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and professor of mechanical engineering, McMaster University
  • Dr. Wendy Watson-Wright, Chief Executive Officer, Ocean Frontier Institute

Read the official press release from the Government of Canada here.