Humber Joins Academics Without Borders Network

Humber joins AWB Network!

Humber is pleased to announce that it has joined Academics Without Borders Network of Canadian postsecondary institutions. It is the second Canadian college/polytechnic in the network and brings the membership to 20 institutions.

AWB’s Network – Canada’s universities and colleges in support of global development – is a consortium of Canadian postsecondary institutions that support AWB’s mission to work with volunteer academics to help developing countries build the capacity of their postsecondary institutions to drive development and improve the quality of life in communities around the world.

Through its membership in the network, Humber faculty and staff will have special access to partnership opportunities provided by AWB through the organization's existing relationships with institutions and countries around the globe. Humber will also be able to propose projects to AWB in conjunction with our post-secondary partners in the developing world. 

Memberhip in AWB aligns with Humber's vision to transform postsecondary education through global, polytechnic leadership, and supports our comprensive internationalization strategy.

“Humber has a long history of leadership in international development education and projects. We know from our years of experience that our ability to support these initiatives is amplified and heightened through Canadian partnerships. AWB is an ideal vehicle for us to continue our work in concert with like-minded Canadian institutions and faculty members. We look forward to engaging in the opportunities that AWB will provide our faculty members and staff,” says Andrew Ness, Dean of International.  

Membership in the network will provide Humber with enhanced recognition for its international work, as well as new resources to support and coordinate this work. By building capacity at post-secondary institutions across the developing world, Humber and AWB look forward to enhancing lives and exchanging knowledge both at home and abroad.

“This is a terrific development for Academics Without Borders and for our partners in the low- and middle-income countries of the world. Acting as AWB volunteers, faculty and staff at Humber will bring the knowledge and expertise that they so critically need but that these institutions otherwise simply could not afford,” said Greg Moran, AWB’s Executive Director. “Equally importantly, Humber’s campus and its students’ learning will be enriched by the new experiences and the global perspective faculty will bring back with them to their classrooms.”

Humber faculty and staff who are interested learning more about AWB should contact:

Rebecca Fitzgerald, Associate Director, International Mobility and Partnerships at