Lara Hof moving to Mohawk College

Lara Hof is leaving Humber College after eight years of work in the areas of Student Conduct, Student Support, Sexual Violence Education and Prevention, and Residence Life. Lara will be joining Mohawk College as the Associate Director, Student Rights and Responsibilities on September 23, 2019.

During her career at Humber, Lara developed a comprehensive student conduct office built on leading practice and established partnerships and collaborations both inside and outside of the institution. Lara has played an instrumental role in the creation, implementation, and revision of several Humber policies to ensure that students receive a fair process, holistic support, and connection to resources. She also established Humber’s award-winning Consent Peer Education Program, a peer-based program that offers more than 40 events and supports the direct interaction with more than 2,000 students annually. Additionally, Lara’s use of trauma-informed investigation approaches has been critical in supporting effective responses to sexual violence on campus and made her a trusted member of the Student Support and Intervention Team.

Lara is a leader who has always been known as a supportive colleague and has shown incredible dedication to Humber and the students who call Humber their academic home. She has frequently gone above and beyond to ensure that incidents are responded to and students receive the care and outcomes that are fair and, wherever possible, will best support their success. Lara’s last day at Humber will be September 20, 2019. Please join with the Student Success and Engagement Team in wishing Lara all the best on her next adventure.

A farewell celebration will be hosted on September 17, 2019 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. in LRC 3058 (North Campus) where cake and light refreshments will be served.


Ian Crookshank
Dean of Students, Office of the Dean of Students