Next Week: Teaching & Learning and Digital Learning Workshops

Looking to enhance your teaching skills? Seeking out professional development workshops?

Next week, the Teaching & Learning and Digital Learning departments are hosting a variety of learning engagement opportunities.

Click on the links below to register.

Date and time Workshop Campus Room  

October 21
8:55 a.m. – 10:40 a.m.

Blackboard: Grade Centre
Dig deeper into the functionality of the Grade Centre, track student success and provide critical information to students.
North J230 Register
October 22
10:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Blackboard: Test & Quizzes
Explore how to create various question types, randomize questions, build tests from pools and how students will receive their results.
Lakeshore D112 Register
October 23
9:30 a.m.–3 p.m.
Scholarly Writing Group Session
These sessions will provide a quiet space where you can focus on preparing your next conference abstract, journal article, dissertation etc.
North F202 Register
October 23
9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Scholarly Writing Group Session
These sessions will provide a quiet space where you can focus on preparing your next conference abstract, journal article, dissertation etc.
Lakeshore H206B Register
October 23
11:40 a.m. – 1:10 p.m.
Blackboard: Test & Quizzes
Explore how to create various question types, randomize questions, build tests from pools and how students will receive their results.
North D112 Register
October 23
12 p.m.–1 p.m.
One Small Change to Benefit Learners: Supporting Faculty & Staff to "Level Up" (ETC Webinar)
Identify methods of encouraging sharing of stories and collaboration, identify new ways of delivering PD to faculty and staff and identify strategies to develop an internal promotions campaign around PD events and opportunities
North F202 Register
October 23
2:25 p.m. – 4:10 p.m.
Blackboard: Grade Centre
Dig deeper into the functionality of the Grade Centre, track student success and provide critical information to students.
North J230 Register
October 24
10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Blackboard: Test & Quizzes
Explore how to create various question types, randomize questions, build tests from pools and how students will receive their results.
North J230 Register
October 24
1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Excel Ninja 2.0 Part 1
In this three part mini-series you will learn how to further advance your knowledge of Microsoft Excel through the use of complex functions (ex. INDEX, MATCH, SEARCH), pivot charts and slicers, dropdown menus, and customized graph templates.
North J230 Register
October 25
2:25 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Creating Meaningful, Effective & Purposeful Personalized SFQ Questions
generate ideas for developing meaningful, personalized questions. By the end of this workshop you will have created your own questions for your SFQ.
Lakeshore F202 Register

To view a complete listing of workshops for the Fall 2019 semester, visit the Teaching & Learning website

Note: Due to renovations, the Teaching & Learning and Digital Learning teams have temporarily relocated to North Campus, LX104 (located beside LinX).

  • Faculty Support and Blackboard Workshops: North Campus, J230
  • Professional Learning/SoTL Workshops: North Campus, F202

Lakeshore Campus offices remain unaffected.