Research Study Seeking Participants

Research participant opportunity

Dear colleagues:

We are currently conducting a project that is exploring the effects of image deformations on recognition of faces using a card-sorting methodology. Participants are asked to sort three sets of photo-cards in a task that takes up to one hour to fully complete. This opportunity is open to students, staff, and faculty – we would greatly appreciate wide circulation of this message to any interested persons. Feel free to use the attached poster when circulating our advertisement for research participants.

Each interested person should contact my research team - Angelisa Hatfield or Mica Pec at My team will provide you with an information letter providing details about the study and participant rights.

Participant duration: Up to one hour.

Participant incentive: $20 e-gift card (choice from Amazon, Starbucks, Tim Hortons, Indigo/Chapters, Ultimate Dining Card, Cineplex, Best Buy, iTunes, or Roots).

Thank you for your interest and help in advance!

Adam Sandford, Ph.D
Assistant Program Head, Psychology, University of Guelph-Humber
Angelisa Hatfield
Research Assistant, University of Guelph-Humber
Mica Pec
Research Assistant, University of Guelph-Humber