Coffee Cups Go in the Garbage

Happy New Year Humber! 

Waste is a problem at Humber and across Canada. On campus, we throw away approximately 7,000 disposable coffee cups every day. We need your help to reduce waste; make it your resolution this year (and every year) to bring your reusable mugs and throw coffee cups in the garbage.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why are coffee cups not recyclable?

Coffee cups have a wax lining which makes the cup waterproof, but makes it difficult for the cup to be recycled. The coffee cup belongs in the garbage bin while the non-black plastic coffee cup lid goes in the recycling bin, and the paper sleeve goes in paper bin.  

Why do I sort my waste differently at home than at Humber?

Different cities have different methods for recycling or composting. Humber College follows the same sorting practices as the City of Toronto, so if you aren’t sure how to sort your waste at Humber, download the TOwaste app or ask the Waste Wizard online and see what goes where.

Is Humber’s waste being sorted?

You may notice custodial staff taking one bag from a recycling bin and one bag from a garbage bin and placing it in the same black bin. The custodial staff are being efficient by collecting all the bags at once and sorting them at the back of the college. The custodial staff are trained to identify bags that are too contaminated to be recycled (i.e., they have too much liquids or organic matter in them) and they place those bags in the garbage.

What can I do to reduce waste?

Bring a reusable mug and cutlery. If you bring your reusable mug, you will get a discount on your coffee at any retailer across the college!