Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Institutional Framework & Strategy Update

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Institutional Framework & Strategy
 – December 2019

The Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning (Humber College) has identified as its Strategic Priority #7 under Pillar #3, Healthy and Inclusive Community, to continue to build a diverse and inclusive community of exceptional students, faculty and staff. The specific supporting action is to establish and implement an institutional framework and strategy for equity, diversity and inclusion that addresses the needs of both students and employees.

EDI Taskforce Executive Sponsors:

  • Lori Diduch, Vice-President, Human Resources & Organizational Effectiveness
  • Jason Hunter, Vice-President, Students and Institutional Planning

EDI Taskforce Leads:

  • Nancy Simms, Director, Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity, and Lead, EDI Taskforce
  • Ian Crookshank, Dean of Students, and Co-Lead, EDI Taskforce

EDI Taskforce Mandate:

Through a consultative and collaborative process, members of the EDI Taskforce will utilize an intersectional lens to establish and implement an institutional EDI framework and strategy.

The institutional EDI framework and strategy will address the following four (4) program areas:

1. Access & Equity
    1.1 Students

  • In relationship with the Strategic Enrolment Management Framework, enhance recruitment, retention and graduation of equity-seeking student groups
  • Develop metrics to monitor EDI practices consistently and assess progress

    1.2 Employees

  • Enhance recruitment, retention and advancement for equity-seeking groups through the implementation of Humber’s Employment Equity Program
  • Develop metrics to monitor EDI practices consistently and assess progress

2. Curriculum and Programs

  • Conduct an EDI and Indigeneity current state analysis of all educational programs offered by Humber College
  • Embed EDI into course outlines in all full-time academic programs
  • Develop and implement EDI resource framework
  • Develop strategy for Academic Division staff & faculty capacity building in EDI
  • Develop and implement a quality assurance EDI protocol for program review & new program development

3. Campus Culture

  • Collaborate with Organizational Effectiveness department in HR Services on the development of Employment Engagement Survey 2020
  • Develop and enhance initiatives that inform campus culture by integrating EDI. For example, establishing Affinity Groups

4. College-wide Communication and Engagement Strategy

  • Ensure that the vision for EDI is communicated comprehensively and positively across the College
  • Increase intentionality in senior leadership that communicates commitment to EDI
  • Establish a communication and engagement strategy for EDI initiatives, updates and accomplishments

How can I find out more information about the EDI Taskforce?

Please visit the EDI Taskforce website to find more information on the work being done, including the vision statement and Terms of Reference.

How can I share equity, diversity and inclusion related ideas with the EDI Taskforce? You can share your ideas and participate in many ways:

  • Attend Knowledge Cafés and town hall meetings
  • Submit your ideas via email to the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity at humanrights@humber.ca

Questions about the work the Taskforce is doing?

If you have questions pertaining to the EDI Taskforce, please contact: Nancy Simms, Director of the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity, at nancy.simms@humber.ca.