Details About Mask Exemptions on Campus

As previously shared with the Humber community, masks are to be worn within all areas of campus buildings, except in private workspaces or offices where 6 ft. of physical distance can be maintained.

Mask exemptions necessitating accommodations will require verification or medical documentation. This will help determine appropriate accommodation measures specific to the individual.

Employees and students who cannot wear a mask must notify the college prior to coming on site by contacting The college will review each situation on a case-by-case basis and work with the individual to identify appropriate accommodations. The college is committed to finding workable solutions with the individual, but cannot guarantee that all requests will result in the ability to complete work and/or learning on campus.

Masks and face coverings are an important measure used to help prevent the spread of infection in addition to physically distancing, carrying out proper hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette, and staying home if you are ill.

Health and safety are a shared responsibility and cooperation with the measures Humber has in place is appreciated.