Permanent Closure of Cash Office at North Campus

What is changing?

The cash office at North Campus is now permanently closed.

Why was this change made?

During the last several years, the College has taken steps to reduce the use of cash as a form of payment for Humber owned establishments and events. This was in response to changing personal preference and evolution of financial service landscape with enabling technologies. The pandemic impacts to our campuses and activities over the past year have accelerated the decline of cash usage in favour of electronic payment methods.

What does this mean for me?

All the College-run services and establishments accept online banking, credit and debit card payments and will no longer be accepting cash as a method of payment. Chartwells, Bookstore, and other partner-run retail and food services are not impacted by this decision.

In order to facilitate any time-limited collection activity, Moneris payment terminals are available for temporary, short term rentals from Finance by submitting a Moneris Terminal Rental Request form. For ongoing or longer term solutions that may be required, please contact to discuss your needs and options available.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support of this change.