ORI Article: Research IMPACT: Project Success

In 2020, Humber College received funding of nearly $150K for two projects under the NSERC College and Community Innovation Program – Applied Research Rapid Response to COVID-19 Program. This funding enabled Humber College to partner with industry partners and provide valuable input through applied research to help address and manage the challenges faced due to the COVID-19 pandemic by developing innovative solutions. 

Researchers at Humber College, supported by Humber’s Office of Research & Innovation (ORI), worked closely with Mero Technologies. Dr. Timothy Wong, Research Lead on this project, continues to collaborate with Mero and shares the following update. 

Mero Technologies has announced a collaboration with CleanSlate UV and Humber College to help address and manage the COVID-19 outbreak. Mero's sensors have been installed in existing dispensers at a Heritage Building. 

Find the full article: Research IMPACT: Project Success