BMO Launch Me Competition

Do you know any Humber or Guelph-Humber students, or recent alumni with a startup, running business or even a business idea? Encourage them to apply to the Centre for Entrepreneurship's BMO Launch Me program and competition for a chance to win a portion of $135,000 in seed funding for their business venture.

The deadline to apply has been extended to Tuesday, October 12 by 12 p.m. (noon).

Application process: 

Students and alumni will need to send a video of interest to the CfE’s email at The video can be up to two minutes maximum. Those who submit a video of interest must explain: who they are, what their business venture or idea is and, why they’re interested in participating in the BMO Launch Me program and competition. 

Videos do not have to be professionally taken. Using a mobile device or laptop is acceptable. If students and/or alumni are unable to submit a video of interest, the alternative will be to send us an email explaining all of the above points. Videos of interest are due on Tuesday, October 12 by 12 p.m. 

Please keep in mind that some video files may be too big to send via email. A good way to ensure that your video is seen is to upload it to YouTube and forward us the link to watch. If you’re doing this, please ensure that the YouTube link you provide is not set to private, otherwise we will not be able to review it.