Updated New/Modify Vendor Form and Name Plate Request Forms

Updated New/Modify Vendor Form

The Financial Services and Purchasing teams would like to inform you that we have made improvements to the New/Modify Vendor form. The form is now updated to include the suggestions received from our internal clients, banking instructions for vendors on how to submit the form properly along with necessary supporting documentation, and updates to the EFT/ Wire transfer form. The new form can be found at New/Modify Vendor Request on the Humber Finance website

Updated Name Plate Request Forms

Also, note that updates have been made to the Name Plate Request forms with the latest pricing of the items and new instructions for submitting the request. Please note that from now on the completed form needs to be submitted directly to the vendor along with the Banner PO#. New forms can be found at Name Plate Requests on the Humber Finance website.

For any questions related to any of the above forms, please email purchasing@humber.ca.