Humber Capstone Project Success Story: Sense Weather Station

One of the distinctive features of a Humber College education is the opportunity for students to complete a capstone research project that solves a real-life challenge. In a recent collaborative initiative, professor Timothy Wong, PhD, Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology (FAST), mentored and advised two students as they completed their capstone project. 

When Alexandra Urzola Mendoza and Victor Teske, students in the Computer Systems Technician diploma program at Humber, started collaborating with professor Wong, they were inspired to build a temperature and humidity sensor for monitoring studios and equipment storage. As a result of effective collaboration, the students successfully built Sense Weather Station, a set of sensors that collect data for weather analysis.

Upon testing the sensor, the project team completed the capstone project and showcased it as part of the ICT Capstone Project Expo 2022. The project is yet another example of inspiring collaboration between faculty members and students. 

Learn more about the Capstone Project: Sense Weather Station