Dr. Theresa Knott Leaving Humber

Dear Humber community,

I’m writing today to notify you that FSCS Associate Dean, Theresa Knott, is leaving Humber College on March 1, 2023. Theresa will be taking on the role of Associate VP, Academic Experience at Fleming College.

Theresa began at Humber in December of 2020, and has been an integral member of the FSCS administrative team, leading various programs across the faculty. Theresa also has an expertise and focus on hybrid learning options. Theresa was not only instrumental in advancing the FSCS hybrid/online course development strategy, but she also worked closely with the CIL to establish an institutional approach.

While she will be deeply missed at Humber, we are thrilled for Theresa as she moves forward in her professional career. To ensure programming continuity, we have also posted for the FSCS Associate Dean role and will be hiring before Theresa’s departure.

We deeply appreciate all the hard work Theresa has done at Humber over the last two years. Fleming is very lucky to have her join their team!


June MacDonald-Jenkins
Senior Dean, Faculty of Social and Community Services
Principal, Lakeshore Campus