Thank You from the CICE Program

The CICE team and students would like to thank all the faculty who have welcomed a CICE student into their classroom this semester. Through your exceptional guidance and support, you have helped enhance a CICE student's college experience! 

Richard Alvarez Onika Green Maria Pelliccia Lori Short-Zamudio
Charisse Bacchus Gord Gilmour Saima Sheikh Donna Skells
Anke Foller Carroll Diane Keefe Carmine Spadafora Wayne Salmon
Shonah Chalmers Leonhard Lechner Ashwin Patel Francisco Rivera
Modesta Colalillo Danielle MacMillan Terry Posthumus Qirou Yang
Paul Cross Neil Mathur Joel Sisson Brian Woodman
Denise Gardner Giselle Mirabelli Leanna Tuba Jacob Willow
Alastair Gray Colleen Oag Julie Savile Anne Zbitnew