Call for Mentors & Judges: Map the System Competition at Humber College

Map the System is a global competition that challenges us to think differently about social and environmental change. Rather than jumping straight into a solution or a quick fix, Map the System invites students from all academic disciplines to use ‘systems thinking’ to understand complex social and environmental challenges. 

This is Humber’s fourth year participating in the competition and we are looking for staff and faculty for two roles:

  1. Mentor student teams
  2. Judge the final submissions

What does this involve? 

As a mentor, you will support a student team to conduct systems research on a social or environmental issue. Support may include (but is not limited to) systems thinking research and mapping, resources on social/environmental topic selected, research process, and review of submission materials.

As a judge, you will review top student submissions (visual maps and research summaries) and attend a one-hour meeting with the judging panel.

When will this happen? 

For mentors: Mentorship of student teams will take place from early March to late April 2023. The weekly time commitment will vary from group-to-group depending on their needs, but expect one to two hours per week. 

For judges: Judging for the competition will take place between April 3 to 10, 2023, with the final meeting on April 10 at a time we will decide together based on your availability. The total time commitment will be approximately 8-10 hours over the course of the week. 

What does this mean for you? 

Your assistance and support of students' systems-change research is greatly appreciated. In return for your time, you will receive our heartfelt thanks and a gift card!

How can you apply? 

If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please fill in this short form.

If you are interested in becoming a judge, please fill in this short form.

The deadline to fill in both forms is Monday, February 27

Questions? Please contact Sara Hassan at or Erin Harvey at