Black/African ERG Quarterly Spotlight: Burchell Hanson

We are excited and proud to introduce you to Burchell Hanson. Burchell has been a member of the BAERG since its inception in 2020 and has played a very active role in the group. He has a passion for advocacy work and currently serves as a member of the advocacy sub-committee of BAERG teaching others self-advocacy.


Born and educated in Jamaica, Burchell discovered his interest, passion and skill in accounting and business. 

He built a successful career in the corporate world, progressing from Cost Accountant to Supervisor of the Accounting Department to Chief Accountant and was further promoted to a Senior Management role at Goodyear. Towards the end of his 11-year tenure at Goodyear, he pursued studies at Nova Southeastern University and obtained his MBA. 

Burchell immigrated to Canada with the intention of using his accounting, management, operations, and marketing knowledge and experience to launch a career in the Canadian corporate workforce. That was plan A, it was not successful, no corporate entity would hire him. 

Start of Humber Journey 

As they say, when one door closes, another one opens and that’s how Burchell’s journey at Humber College started…plan B. 

Burchell joined Humber in September 2003. After five years as a partial-load professor, he obtained a full-time teaching position. He is now a faculty member in the Longo Faculty of Business and teaches both accounting and management. He’s also a Course Lead for Financial Accounting I and Principles of Management. 

Making a Difference at Humber 

Coming up on 20 years of teaching at Humber, Burchell has been a witness to many changes. He has built lasting connections with Humber alumni and provides support in their post-Humber journey. He continues to be driven and fulfilled by his positive impact on Humber students. 

He shares his Goodyear story with them, inspires them to set their own objectives, put in the work and effort so that they too can also have successful careers in management or accounting. 

What keeps Burchell going? “Opportunity to contribute to humanity, making an impact on other people’s lives, passing on my knowledge and experience to students to help them in their journey”.