COVID-19 Information Relocation

In 2020, Humber created to provide a dedicated page to share COVID-19 related information. Employee-specific resources were also provided on the Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness webpage. 

As restrictions have been lifted and public health guidance has evolved, there is no longer a need for a dedicated COVID-19 information page. As a result, two actions will be taken by March 6:  

  • we will be retiring and moving all remaining, relevant information to the page 
  • employee-specific information about COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses will be moved to the Occupational Health and Safety section of the HROE page 

Additionally, the email address will not be active, as we will no longer be providing case management for students and staff. 

We will continue to share any updates or new information with the Humber community whenever necessary.  

While these changes are being made to reflect current reporting practice, it is important to remind everyone that there are still some public health recommendations in place. 

These recommendations include the use of a well-fitted mask in all public spaces, including on campus, for a period of 10 days from the start of the illness if you: 

  • Tested positive for COVID-19 or have COVID, or 
  • Have symptoms of a respiratory illness (e.g. a cough). 

The mask should be worn for the 10-day period even if symptoms improve. 

It is also considered good public health practice to follow this masking recommendation if you have had close contact with someone with COVID-19 or other respiratory illness. 

If you are experiencing symptoms or have tested positive for COVID-19, take Ontario's Self-assessment to find out what to do next. Please follow the guidance provided with respect to self-isolating, self-monitoring, and masking.  

Students are asked to communicate directly with their instructors/program regarding potential absences from class or other academic accommodations they may need. 

Employees should notify their manager regarding absence from work due to illness or other work arrangements. If you have any questions regarding sick leave or workplace accommodation for medical reasons, you can email
Take Care, 

Jason Hunter 
Vice-President of Students and Institutional Planning
Interim Vice-President of Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness