Update: New/Modify Vendor Form

The Financial Services Team has transitioned the vendor form from a PDF to an electronic format (e-form) to streamline document submissions and the vendor setup process. Vendors should complete the e-form. Upon submission, the form will be directed to the relevant Humber College representative for validation.

Upon vendor validation, please direct new vendor requests to purchasing@humber.ca and modification requests to accounts.payable@humber.ca.

Please note, individual vendor setup requests require prior HR approval in the following scenarios:

  1. The vendor has a current or past affiliation with Humber College as an employee.
  2. The nature of the work for the College cannot be adequately described on the e-form using the options under the type of product/service that will be provided by the vendor and requires the use of the “other” field. In these cases, an ICON Questionnaire must be completed in collaboration with HR.

Submissions to Purchasing without prior HR approval will be returned due to insufficient information. 

Please note, payment terms have been updated to Net 45 days, as reflected on the form.

Access the New/Modify Vendor Request Form


If you required additional information or clarification, please reach out to purchasing@humber.ca.