Mulitfaith Holy Days & Fesitvals - April 2012

March 28, 2012

In the spirit of diversity and inclusion, we provide the following  Multifaith Holy Days & Festivals realizing that it is not exhaustive.
Should you wish your faith’s days to be included, please contact the Chaplain for due consideration.
Phone: 416.675.6622 x 4427 

01 Sunday
April = Mmaal (Aboriginal)
Mmal is the season when rivers open and canoes can be launched and travel on the rivers can resume.
Palm Sunday (Christianity-Western)
Celebrates Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and begins Holy Week that culminates in Easter.
Ramanavami (Hinduism)
Celebrates the birthday of Rama, seventh incarnation of the God Vishnu. Hindus read the Ramayana, a Hindu epic, which tells the story of Rama, during the previous eight days.
April Fools’ Day (International)
A folk day when people seek to play humourous pranks and jokes on each other, possibly related to earlier cultural feasts and festivals.

05 Thursday
Maundy Thursday (Christianity-Western)
Celebrates the institution of the Lord’s supper by Jesus.
Mahavira Jayanti (Jainism)
Celebrates the birthday of Lord Mahavira (Great Hero) the 24th Tirthankara (and the last of his time cycle).

06 Friday
Full Moon
Good Friday (Christianity-Western)
Commemorates the Passion of Jesus Christ in submission to death by crucifixion.

07 Saturday
Pesah/Passover to Apr 14 (Judaism)
Commemorates the Exodus, the departure of the Israelites from Egypt, and is celebrated for 8 days beginning at dusk (before sundown) on the prior day.

08 Sunday
Easter (Christianity-Western)
Celebrates the resurrection of Jesus from death and the announcement of the angel to the women at Jesus’ tomb that “He is risen.”
Palm Sunday (Christianity-Eastern)
Celebrates Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and begins Holy Week that culminates in Pascha.

09 Monday
Jalal month begins (Baha’i)
Jalal, meaning Glory, is the second month of the Baha’i year.
Easter Monday (Christianity-Western)
The promise of new life is celebrated by Christians in reflection on the resurrection of Jesus after His crucifixion and death.

12 Thursday
Holy Thursday (Christianity-Eastern)
Celebrates the institution of the Lord’s supper by Jesus.

13 Friday
Holy Friday (Christianity-Eastern)
Commemorates the Passion of Jesus Christ in submission to death by crucifixion.

14 Saturday
Vaisakhi (Hinduism)
Celebrates the first day of the solar year with an agricultural harvest festival. Important in North India, this holiday is named after the month Vaisakh.

14 Saturday
Vaisakhi (Sikhism)
Commemorates the day in 1699 when Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Guru, created the Khalsa Panth (Brotherhood of the Pure). Brothers are named Singh (lion) and sisters are named Kaur (princess).

15 Sunday
Pascha (Christianity-Eastern)
Celebrates the resurrection of Jesus from death and the announcement of the angel to the women at Jesus’ tomb that “He is risen.”

16 Monday
Easter Monday (Christianity-Eastern)
The promise of new life is celebrated by Christians in reflection on the resurrection of Jesus after His crucifixion and death.

19 Monday
Yom Ha Shoah (Judaism)
Holocaust Memorial Day commemorates the deaths of 6 million Jews under Nazism in World War II.

21 Saturday
New Moon
Feast of Ridvan to May 02 (Baha’i)
Remembers the 12 days that Baha’u’llah spent in the garden of Ridvan during his exile in Baghdad and when he proclaimed himself as the one announced by the Bab. On the first, ninth and twelfth days, work is suspended.

22 Earth Day (International)
Celebrates the natural abundance of the Earth to promote care for the planet. Some plant trees and/or seeds to ensure new growth.

24 Tuesday
Akshaya Tritya (Jainism)
Akshaya Tritiya, meaning Immortal Third, is to encourage the beginning of new activity and is based on the day that Lord Rishabha broke his initial year-long fast by drinking sugar-cane juice.

26 Thursday
Gathering of Nations Pow Wow to Apr 30 (Aboriginal)
In Albuquerque, New Mexico various tribes and nations participate, share, teach and exchange traditions with each other.

28 Saturday
Jamal month begins (Baha’i)
Jamal, meaning Beauty, is the third month of the Baha’i year.

30 Tuesday
Ghambar Maidyozarem to May 04(Zoroastrianism)
Celebrates the creation of the sky and the harvesting of the winter crop.