New Website for Students Graduating from Humber

Students graduating from Humber face unique challenges, from securing employment, to staying in touch with classmates and Humber, to finding new accommodations, or continuing their education. Student Life Programs, in collaboration with Career Services and Alumni Services, are proud to present a new website for students in their final year/semester. The Grad Life website connects students with on-campus resources that are particularly important during the final leg of their Humber journey:
  • Career Assessments
  • Resume and Cover Letter resources
  • Industry-specific Job Information
  • Humber Alumni perks and benefits
  • Career Advising
  • Interview Prep Materials
  • Financial Literacy for New Grads
  • Continuing Education and Transfer Services
  • The Co-Curricular Record
  • and More!
Staff and faculty are encouraged to share this resource with their student networks.  WEBSITE: