K and L Entrance Closing/Construction

Please note we will be closing K and L entrance at North Campus for construction starting May 5th with work commencing on May 6th lasting for approx. 8 weeks. We are repairing the concrete deck just outside the K and L entrance which is deteriorating causing notable leakage and corrosion below (KB area). The work outlined above will bring:
  • Noise (equipment and tools), however most will be limited to weekends and after 5, but again, we do expect that we will not be able to avoid some noise from impacting M, K and L areas
  • Dust – windows will be cleaned after project completion
  • Some immediate parking spots (approx. 4) will be impacted for bin and equipment
  • Media's mobile units will not be impacted (required to move)
Signs are and will be posted accordingly at the location providing direction and announcment. Many thanks and hopes for a seamless repair. Humber Facilities Team