Water Safety Statement from the Humber Arboretum

The Weather Network advises that areas of the watershed in Southern Ontario have the potential to receive up to 40 to 70mm of rainfall in some locales from Thursday to Friday. Forecasted rainfall amounts mixed with high lake levels and high winds could result in increasing shoreline lake levels and watercourse water levels and flows. Ponding may occur in low-lying areas. The combination of slippery and unstable banks and cold water temperature could create hazardous conditions close to any river, stream or other water bodies. All shorelines, rivers and streams within the GTA should be considered hazardous. Please exercise caution around all bodies of water including the banks of the Humber River. Please alert any children under your care of these dangers and supervise their activities. Please keep children and pets away from the slippery and unstable banks. Please do not drive in any ponded areas. This Water Safety Watershed Conditions Statement will be in effect through to the evening of Saturday May 3, 2017. For more information please see the TRCA Flood Risk Management website here or contact the on-call TRCA Flood Duty Officer: Rebecca Elliott 416.661.6514 or Dan Hipple 416.661.6600 x5697. Alexandra Link, Director Humber Arboretum and Centre for Urban Ecology