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Rodale Dwyer-Hamilton

Paralegal Studies, 2011 Legal Studies, 2011

Rodale Dwyer-Hamilton, a Paralegal Studies grad, has had her sights set on her dream since the day she stepped foot into Humber.

When Rodale first migrated to Canada, she wasn’t exactly sure about what she wanted to do for a career. With some suggestion from family, and after researching the options available to her, she submitted her application for enrolment into Humber’s Paralegal Studies program.

“When I first visited the campus, all I could say was ‘wow!’ I thought the school was huge – it was actually a bit of a culture shock.”

It wasn’t long before Rodale started to fit in and feel a part of the Humber community. “I was very impressed with how everyone seemed to be a part of a big family; together and united.” It was then that she began feeling “calm in the midst of all the chaos.”

With a gradual transition into her studies, Rodale became acquainted with fellow classmates and notable professors. She enjoyed the diversity of the program, and how she was able to explore all areas of law, motivating her to want to learn more.

Rodale strongly believes in finding the right mentor, someone who is able to push you to do better. For her, that person was Jennifer Zubick, a faculty member for the Paralegal Studies program, and Rodale’s former professor.

Jennifer has been a continuous support for Rodale. Although it has been some time since she graduated, Jennifer is still one of her strongest mentors, providing her insight, guidance and encouragement. This relationship not only provided her with a lifelong connection, but also yielded her the opportunity to come back and speak to Humber students as well as become a member of the Law Clerk/Paralegal Studies Advisory Committee.

“Humber has really impacted my life in a huge way. I never thought I would be sitting on an Advisory Committee. I am truly humbled by the opportunities I have received.”

She credits her success to many of the skills and experience that she gained at Humber, but she wouldn’t be where she is today without a commitment to her dreams, and a magnitude of hard work.

Currently running her own firm, Dwyer-Hamilton Paralegal Services (DHPS), Rodale provides many services to the community, including working on small claims cases, immigration and refugee services, as well as landlord and tenant disputes, to name a few. 

Never losing sight of her dream, Rodale continues to pursue more education to advance her knowledge of the industry. Having recently graduated from York University with a BA in Human Rights and Equity and with Law School in her near-future plans, she recommends “staying focused, and never losing sight of your goals.”

“Keep God at the fore-front of your mind.” There is one phrase that has always resonated as words of encouragement to her during her toughest times, and she hopes that it may also help others in need; “If God brings you to it, then he can bring you through it.”

“The only way out, is through. No matter how much you want to give up, don’t ever give up.”