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Supporting innovative learning experiences for students in collaboration with faculty, community and industry partners through purpose-built, state-of-the-art facilities and applied research that creates real-world impact.

text stating $45 million with a purple circle line around them

Humber Cultural Hub

Humber’s ongoing investment in the revitalization of the Lakeshore campus has resulted in one of the largest historic restorations in the city of Toronto. Our next phase of the revitalization is focused on the development of the Humber Cultural Hub. Unlike any space at any other Ontario college, the Humber Cultural Hub will replace the last outdated learning facility on the campus and create unprecedented access to the creative and performing arts for students and the local community.

Centres of Innovation

With investment in Unlimited, Humber can continue to build and leverage the ever-evolving potential of our Centres of Innovation (COI) network, finding new ways of uniting expertise and empowering students, faculty, industry and the community to provide unique, outcome-driven results.

Humber’s COIs are focused in five areas of proven strength and industry sector growth:

Barrett Centre for Technology Innovation

Technology Innovation

Fostering Industry 4.0, advanced manufacturing and digital media technologies.

People using interactive screen display

Creative Business Innovation

Harnessing the creative power of media and the arts to boost business productivity.

Person performing acupuncture

Health and Wellness

Designing and evaluating new models of teaching and health services delivery to benefit students and the broader community.

Centre for Entrepreneurship building


Promoting innovation, entrepreneurship and interdisciplinary thinking to students and alumni.

Conflict Resolution Lab

Social Innovation

Addressing community issues at local, national and global levels through collaboration, fresh approaches and new technologies.

Applied Research

Supporting Humber's Centres of Innovation also means supporting our growing applied research capabilities in each of these areas. By providing access to research facilities, student and faculty expertise, and funding opportunities, we can help industry and community partners develop outcome-driven solutions in a manner that will demonstrate Humber’s leadership in working with our external community. At the same time, faculty can take advantage of release time while students can supplement their in-class education with experiential hands-on learning that greatly expands their skill sets.

Unlimited: The Campaign for Humber logo

Donate to Ignite Discovery & Innovation