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Support Our Students

Humber students need your support to ensure their future remains unlimited. Find out more about the Support Our Students (SOS) Fund.

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Ignite Discovery & Innovation

Enabling collaborative learning and unimaginable discovery through state-of-the-art facilities, applied research and our Centres of Innovation.

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Accelerate Student Potential

Enhancing access to quality postsecondary education for students through scholarships, bursaries, emergency funds and more.

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Transform the Learning Experience

Evolving how we connect and engage with students, faculty, staff, industry and the greater community.

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Help create an Unlimited future for Humber students.

Humber Polytechnic’s $100 million Unlimited Campaign is your opportunity to support our bold ambition to ignite discovery and innovation, accelerate student potential and transform the learning experience. Unlimited will be the catalyst for enhancing the Humber experience through investment beyond our existing resources. It will create an environment for achievement, and it will set the stage for a future full of limitless potential and success for our students.

We are focused on our students. We want to provide them with an education that is second to none. Through Unlimited, and your support, we will make a Humber education the education of choice for tomorrow’s leaders.


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