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Matt O'Reilly, Theatre Arts Production, 2010

Andrea O'Reilly, Theatre Arts Production, 2010

How did you meet?

I was on a break between classes in the L Building. Someone was rolling me through the halls on a chair and Matt just walked out of a classroom. I looked at him and said, “be cool, stay in school” before continuing to roll away. Theatre students are weird.

My initial thoughts when I met him were that he was cute and seemed to be friends with everyone.


Tell us about your first date?

We spent a lot of time together in the L Building – we essentially lived there because there was no time in our program to do much else. The building was very much of a cocoon for the theatre programs.

The program was two years long. We spent a lot of time together in class, during breaks and working on shows.


What made you realize that you wanted to spend the rest of your lives together?

Matt has always been the one to put the needs of others before himself and after dating I noticed that was the way he treated me – I was always the most important person around him.


Tell us about your proposal?

Andrea plays softball and it is the most important thing in her life since I have known her. Her mother has a memorial plaque on the diamond. When I got the ring, I also spoke to her father and told him my plan.

I took Andrea out to the diamond and we walked out to the home plate where I proposed to her.

Andrea and Matt making lanterns

Matt and Andrea's wedding day, kissing at a baseball diamond

Andrea swinging the bat with her wedding dress on


Anything else you'd like to share?

I’ve realized how important Humber was for us. Matt went to university beforehand and then decided that he needed a different experience after. It just so happened that we were in the same year and program. We should have thanked Humber in our wedding speech.
