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Jobs at the Arb

The Humber Arboretum employs both regular staff and work-study students for positions in areas such as horticulture, landscaping, nature education, events management, communication, and administration. All staff are employed through Humber College, which in 2023 was named by Mediacorp as one of Canada's Greenest Employers for the eighth year in a row. 

Along with exploring the information on this page, you can also follow the Humber Arboretum on LinkedIn.


While music plays, a series of video clips highlight the natural environment and work being done at the Humber Arboretum.

A honeybee walks on the face of large yellow flower and then flies away.

A woman in a large floppy hat bends down to pull weeds from a flower bed. Behind her, another young woman wearing sunglasses and a Humber Arboretum t-shirt sits in the garden also weeding. She pauses for a moment, looking around her.

A man sits at desk in a shared office space filled with nature-themed objects, potted plants, and personal photos.

In a bright and airy workshop, a young woman wearing safety glasses operates a large rotating table saw.

Outside, the same young woman works with a man to unload long boards from a vehicle. Then she stands on a step ladder, hammering together an outdoor garden structure.

In a pond in front of the Centre for Urban Ecology, two men in chest waders work in the water, cutting back overgrown reeds.

Inside a greenhouse, a young woman uses a sprayer to water a variety of plants.

On a woodland trail, a woman wearing a backpack talks to a group of young teenagers in camp t-shirts as she leads them on a walk.

As people stroll on a wide path in the background, two gardeners dig a hole; another laughs as she works.

As gardeners work in a flower bed, children and staff from a nature camp run past playing games in the background.

A shot of a blue sky above the Centre for Urban Ecology. Text appears on the screen which reads "Nature at Work. Be a part of it."


Work on Campus: Arboretum Student Employment Overview

The Humber Arboretum hires Humber College and University of Guelph-Humber students for a variety of challenging, hands-on positions throughout the year. No matter your program of study, you can apply for an engaging and fulfilling role at the Arb. 

Occasional/recurring positions offer work in:

See below for currently available positions.

Along with paid employment experience, working at the Arb also offers students the opportunity to learn about nature and add to their Co-Curricular Record.

Student Positions Currently Available at the Humber Arboretum

The following positions are for current Humber College or University of Guelph-Humber students only. Visit Humber Career Services to learn about eligibility for Work Study positions, apply for Work Study approval, and use the CareerConnect portal to search for other currently available opportunities across campus.

  • No positions available at this time

Students, Get Help With Your Application

Did you know that Humber Career Services offers students help with resume and cover letter writing? Visit their website to read online resources, get personalized feedback on your resume, take part in workshops, and more. 

Permanent and Contract Employment 

All regular full- and part-time staff of the Humber Arboretum are employed through Humber College. Visit the Humber College Careers Portal at any time to search for the most up-to-date information on available positions and to apply.

A woman works on an outdoor green wall. 


Learning by Leading™ and Volunteer Opportunities

Another way for students to get involved at the Arboretum is to apply to take part in a Learning by Leading™ opportunity. Developed by the University of California at Davis Arboretum and Public Garden, the Learning by Leading™ Program is based on the idea that students learn best by taking leadership in helping to solve real-world problems. Learning by Leading™ at the Humber Arboretum provides a growing number of experiential and service learning opportunities for Humber College and University of Guelph-Humber students that will develop some of the same skills as working at the Arb, and is a great way to explore your related interests in a fun and supportive environment.

Any students can take part in the one-semester LxL introduction. Those who complete the first level will have the opportunity to get involved with community outreach, creative communication, or hands-on stewardship.

Please visit the Learning by Leading™ page for more details.



A student assembles a bird house