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  • A row of campers smile as they hold up a zucchini from the Humber Food Learning Garden
  • Campers watch intently as a large caterpillar crawls along a stick
  • A girl laying on deck takes photos of the pond

Summer Nature Day Camp

Humber Arboretum day camps are based out of the Centre for Urban Ecology, but campers will spend most of their time outdoors where they will make their own discoveries in the forest, river, meadows, wetlands, gardens, and ponds of the Humber Arboretum. Active and engaging, our nature camps are designed for ages 5 to 12 and take place within the northwest part of the City of Toronto.

Forest exploration, pond dipping, ecology games, swimming, and so much more. Camp runs weekly during the summer, beginning the week of July 8.

Camp Overview

Give your child the opportunity to develop a lasting appreciation for the natural environment. The Humber Arboretum's summer nature day camp is based out of the Centre for Urban Ecology, our environmentally-friendly building located on the Humber Arboretum grounds.

 Weekly activities include:

  • Nature Walks 
  • Forest Exploration
  • Ecology Games
  • Wildlife Spotting
  • Pond Discovery
  • Camp Songs and Games
  • Free-Swim Fridays (Supervised time in an indoor pool)

Every week is made unique with the addition of theme-specific activities. Scroll down for full information on weekly themes and activities.

Three Age-Based Programs Available


Beaver Camp (age 5)

This small group of younger campers will explore the same weekly theme as other campers but through activities tailored to their age and run by dedicated Beaver Camp counsellors who have experience with younger children.


Nature Camp (ages 6 to 12)

Our core nature camp program features fun, hands-on programming adapted to different ages and abilities within camp. Campers are split into smaller groups with two dedicated counsellors for the week, but will take part in whole-camp activities as well.


Also: Junior Naturalist Camp (ages 12 to 14)

Twelve-year-olds have the option to sign up for regular Nature Camp or for Junior Naturalist Camp which is exclusively for 12- to 14-year-olds. Led by a Humber Arboretum Nature Educator with support from camp counsellors. Junior Naturalist Camp takes a more in-depth look at each week's theme and is ideal for youth who are already passionate nature lovers. Visit the Junior Naturalist Camp page for details. 

Day Camp Details


Summer Nature Day Camp takes place on weekdays only, Monday to Friday from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm.

Drop-off time begins at 8:30 am; pick-up runs from 3:45 pm until 4:15 pm.


The Humber Arboretum is at the back of Humber College North Campus in North Etobicoke, near the intersection of Finch Avenue and Highway 27 (205 Humber College Blvd, Toronto, M9W 5L7). See the location of the Centre for Urban Ecology on Google Maps.


  • 5-day camps: $367.50
  • 4-day camp (Week Five): $294 [new option]
  • 9-day camp (Nature Camp Weeks Five and Six combined): $630

Please note the above pricing applies to everyone. There are no discounts available for Humber College staff or alumni.

Sibling Discount 

If you are registering multiple children in Beaver Camp, Nature Camp, or Junior Naturalist Camp, a sibling discount will be applied automatically in the system. You will receive $10 off the registration fee.

Please note the above pricing applies to everyone. There are NO additional discounts available for Humber College staff or alumni.

Cancellation Policy

All withdrawals requested two weeks prior to the start of the camp week will be refunded the full camp fees, minus a $25 administration fee. Any withdrawals requested less than two weeks prior to the start of the camp week will be refunded 50% of all camp fees.

How to Register

Registration is now open. Register online.


Decided Not to Join Us This Year?

If you were interested in camp but have decided not to register, please take a moment to fill out this short form and share your reasons so we can improve our offerings in the future.



Registration Deadline

Please note that online registration for each week of camp closes a week before the start of camp, at midnight on the previous Monday. However there may still be spots available. If the cut-off for registration has passed, you may email the Arboretum to inquire:


Weekly Themes for 2024

Every week at Humber Arboretum Nature Camps includes nature walks, art & ecology, all-ages games, and swimming. Weekly themes inspire other activities. 

Week One:

Incredible Urban Animals

An Eastern Garter Snake on wood mulch

Monday July 8 to Friday July 12, 2024

Get to know your furry, feathered, finned, and scaly neighbours with this week devoted to urban wildlife. We’ll look at the unique survival strategies of animals living in the city, imagine what it’s like to be those animals, learn how to identify animal tracks and signs, and of course go out and see if we can spot some of the deer, groundhogs, chipmunks, frogs, hawks, and many others who call the Arboretum home.

Special Guest: Campers will get to meet some live reptiles from Sciensational Sssnakes!!



Week Two:

Roots of STEM

A camper standing in the Humber River looks into his net

Monday July 15 to Friday July 19, 2024

Fascinated by animal and plant biology? This week we'll take a deep dive into environmental science, looking at adaptations, water and soil testing, the physics of animal movement, careers in science, and much more. Grab your microscope* and get ready to get to the bottom of things!

*Don't actually bring your own microscope. All equipment will be provided.

Special Visit: Campers will get to see and try out some of the amazing technology in Humber College's Barrett Centre for Technology Innovation!



Week Three:

Brilliant Birds

An animal educator has a small saw-whet owl perched on their left hand; the owl is about to take a small piece of meat from the educator's right hand. A smiling camper and camp leader can be seen in the background, watching intently.

Monday July 22 to Friday July 26, 2024

Did you know that over 350 different species of birds have been seen in Toronto? We won’t get to all of them, but we will spend the week discovering the amazingly diverse world of birds and their many adaptations. Be ready for five days of fun exploring feathers, flight, calls, and everything else bird. 

Special Guest: Campers will meet some live birds from Wild Ontario!


In Progress

Week Four:

Healthy Planet, Healthy Lives

A camp leader shows children fresh veggies growing in the Humber Food Learning Garden

Monday July 29 to Friday August 2, 2024

The health and wellness of people, animals, and the environment are all connected. This week we’ll explore those connections and discover why it is essential to protect nature not only for ourselves but also for the diversity of life that depends on it for survival. We’ll talk (reducing) trash, tear into invasive plants, and find out how we can help grow a healthier world.

Special Guest: Campers will learn about native turtles species with the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre!


Beaver Camp (age 5): 3 spots left

Nature Camp (ages 6 to 12): 10 spots left

 (No Junior Naturalists this week)


Registration Closes at 11:59 PM on Tuesday July 23

Week Five:

Wilderness Survival Skills - Part One

A counsellor helps two campers trying to start a friction fire by rubbing sticks together

Tuesday August 6 to Friday August 9, 2024


Across nine days we'll explore strategies to survive in the wilderness. Work with others to construct a natural shelter that will protect you from the elements, learn how to find your way (without a phone), and discover what it takes to build a fire that would keep you warm inside and out during an emergency.

UPDATE: You may now register for either week of Wilderness Survival Skills, or combine both weeks at a discount. This 4-day week costs $294 by itself, or combine it with the following week by choosing the 9-day option for $630.


Beaver Camp (age 5): Registration Open

Nature Camp (ages 6 to 12): Registration Open

Junior Naturalists (ages 12 to 14): Registration Open


Registration Closes at 11:59 PM on Tuesday July 30

Week Six:

Wilderness Survival Skills - Part Two

A camper starts a small fire using flint and steel

Monday August 12 to Friday August 16, 2024 

Across nine days we'll explore strategies to survive in the wilderness. Work with others to construct a natural shelter that will protect you from the elements, learn how to find your way (without a phone), and discover what it takes to build a fire that would keep you warm inside and out during an emergency.

UPDATE: You may now register for either week of Wilderness Survival Skills, or combine both weeks at a discount. This 5-day week costs $367.50 by itself, or combine it with the previous week by choosing the 9-day option for $630.


Beaver Camp (age 5): Registration Open

Nature Camp (ages 6 to 12): Registration Open

Junior Naturalists (ages 12 to 14): Registration Open


Registration Closes at 11:59 PM on Tuesday August 6

Week Seven:

Growing Up Gardeners

A camper points at a monarch butterfly in a garden bed.

Monday August 19 to Friday August 23, 2024

Grab a pair of garden gloves and let’s get growing! This week we’ll focus on plants and what it takes to keep them healthy. Learn about soil types and why they matter, explore plants from around the world that grow in the Arboretum gardens, and learn from some of the Arboretum’s garden professionals if a career in horticulture might be right for you!

Special Guest: Tamarack is back from Sustainable Roots to help us learn more about native plants.


Beaver Camp (age 5): 6 spots left

Nature Camp (ages 6 to 12): 10 spots left

Junior Naturalists (ages 12 to 14): 8 spots left


Registration Closes at 11:59 PM on Tuesday August 13

Week Eight:

 The Great Nature Games

A camper jumps rope with rope made from dog-strangling vine

Monday August 26 to Friday August 30, 2024 

We’ll wrap up the summer with a fun week of outdoor play and competition! Test your own skills or work as a team to take on a series of challenges. From jumping like a squirrel to facing the ever-popular egg-drop challenge, you’ll have to use your body and your brain to take on the Great Nature Games.  

Special Guest: Representatives from The Parrot Sanctuary will tell us all about the challenges faced by parrots in captivity, including the fun and games needed to keep these intelligent birds happy and healthy.


Beaver Camp (age 5): 5 spots left

Nature Camp (ages 6 to 12): 6 spots left

Junior Naturalists (ages 12 to 14): 10 spots left


Registration Closes at 11:59 PM on Tuesday August 20

Camp T-Shirts

Close up of a Nature Camp t-shirt logo featuring trees in front of tall buildings

Close up of a Beaver Camp t-shirt featuring a beaver wearing a bucket hat


While supplies last

What to Bring

  • Morning and afternoon snacks and drinks*
  • Lunch (except Friday, pizza day)*
  • Backpack or bag
  • Hat
  • Reusable water bottle
  • Sunscreen
  • Insect repellent
  • Bathing suit (every day)
  • Towel (every day)
  • Water shoes/sandals
  • Swim goggles (Friday)
  • Rain coat
  • Rubber boots
  • Extra socks
  • Portable hand sanitizer (recommended)
  • Face mask (currently optional; may become mandatory depending on public health situation at time of camp)

*The Centre for Urban Ecology is a nut-aware facility. Please inform us of any food allergies and do not bring nut products of any kind to camp. For every week of camp an email sent to families the week previous will outline any other food restrictions for the week due to camper or staff sensitivities.

*We wish to limit the amount of waste that is produced at the Centre and as part of this initiative we promote Litterless Lunches. Please bring only reusable or recyclable containers and utensils. We will ask campers to compost any food waste using our on-site compost bins and take their garbage and anything that can’t be recycled here back home. For tips, see How to Pack a Waste-Free Lunch on Recycle Nation.

Ontario Camps Association Logo

Humber Arboretum Summer Nature Camp is accredited by the Ontario Camps Association.