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Transition to Practice for Nurses

Course Code: TTPN 100

The course Transition to Practice for Nurses prepares learners for nursing practice in the Ontario health-care context. Using a learner-centred approach, opportunities are provided for learners to synthesize prior knowledge with new learning through critical inquiry, reflection, application of evidence-informed knowledge and practices, case-based learning, and engagement with simulated patient care situations in a range of health care-settings. Guided by legislative and regulatory requirements related to the nursing scope of practice in Ontario, learners will demonstrate professional behaviours that support respectful, competent, inclusive and ethical relational practice.

Additional Information

This is an OntarioLearn online course designed for internationally educated nurses (IENs) completing the Nursing for IEN: Competency Upgrade Pathway delivered via the OntarioLearn Portal

The Transition to Practice for Nurses course is approved by the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO). Applicants who successfully complete the approved Transition to Practice course will meet the CNO’s ninth requirement to support their application for registration. For more information, visit the CNO websiteread about the CNO's new transition to practice requirement, or read about the registration changes that enhance the process for CNO applicants.

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