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Imagine studying online at a global institution for for a few weeks, or even a full semester! You can learn about yourself and the world while earning academic credits or Co-Curricular Record. This incredible opportunity is open to all Humber students!

Broaden your worldview and perspective; develop attractive career skills to set you apart in a global economy, and network with students and staff from around the world. When you participate in a global virtual learning opportunity, you can explore another culture, language, or subject right from home!

Kansai Gaidai University

“My experience participating in my two online courses at Kansai Gaidai University in Japan have been phenomenal. My motivation to join the KGU course was mainly due to my drive to travel, and currently with the global pandemic, I am unable to travel, and this allowed me to experience the culture and education while being at home in Canada.

I now have more experience working with different cultures, and a better understanding of virtual meeting, and work. In many ways, words cannot describe the benefit it has had for me as it has changed my outlook on my own studies as a student at Humber, and the way I will be working professionally in the future.”

Connor H.
Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting), Longo Faculty of Business
Participated in: Kansai Gaidai University Asian Studies Program, Japan

Connor H sitting outside

Sian standing in sunflower field

Parul University

Humber students participated in online courses at Parul University in India! They were able to choose form two courses: Indian Culture & Diversity or Colour Concepts and Traditional Folk Painting. Each course lasted two weeks and explored Indian culture in new and unique ways.

“I have learned through this program how important it is to do things that we love alongside schoolwork. I learned to look deeper into colours and art, especially folk art. To my interpretation, Traditional Indian Folk Art is an enhanced expression of their lives, their everyday environment, even the mundane!”

Sian S.
Bachelor of Child and Youth Care, Faculty of Social and Community Services
Participated in: Colour Concepts & Traditional Folk Painting Course, Parul University, India