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Humber’s Semester Abroad Exchange Program is your opportunity to experience the world and gain valuable personal and professional skills while receiving Humber credit!

What is a Semester Abroad?

Spend one to two semesters at an academic institution abroad while earning credit toward your program at Humber! Semester abroad, or exchange, is your chance to try something new, be ahead of the curve, and add global experience to your program before graduation. Semester exchanges are set up between Humber and an academic institution we are partnered with.

Deadline to Apply for Fall 2025 and Winter 2026: Monday, March 10, 2025.

International Experience video

Watch the video to hear Humber students talk about the benefits of spending a semester abroad.

Interested in Learning More?

Contact your dedicated International Coordinators: Contact Us - Humber College

Student Experience at Munster Technological University in Dublin

“As a Community Development student, my goal is to understand and hopefully work with different communities in Canada and abroad. The semester exchange benefited me both academically and professionally.

I got to meet students who are very passionate about their involvement in helping other students at Munster Technological University, such as the LGBT community and the mature students society. The International Office, as well as my lecturers, supported me during the entire semester, ensuring that I have everything that I needed for the remote learning during the first two months of the pandemic."

Isabelita Shotunde
Bachelor of Community Development, Faculty of Social & Community Services

Isabelita Shotunde Holding the Canadian flag

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How Much Does it Cost?

You pay your regular tuition and fees to Humber, and are not subject to international student fees at the partner school! Since you remain a Humber student while you are abroad, you may be eligible for OSAP as well.

Bursary Available!

We really want students to take advantage of this amazing experience. All students who apply for semester exchange will be invited to apply for a bursary. Bursaries will be available based on financial need.

Am I Eligible?

To be nominated for the Semester Abroad, you must be:

  • Enrolled full-time at Humber at the degree or advanced diploma level;
  • Ideally, be in second year of studies or higher;
  • GPA of 70% or have written permission from their Program Coordinator;
  • Your Humber Program is eligible to receive credit abroad;
  • Have no prior or pending academic misconduct offences.

If you meet the above criteria, keep reading for more information on how to apply!

How Do I Apply?

Deadline to Apply for Fall 2025 and Winter 2026: Monday, March 10, 2025.

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Step 1: Explore Your Global Opportunities

Exchanges are open to degree or advanced diploma students, but the Academic Institution available to you and the courses you can take abroad will depend on your program of study. Schedule an appointment to meet with your International Faculty Coordinator responsible for your academic faculty to explore the study options available specifically for your program.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Humber students may independently request to attend an accredited college or university abroad by attaining approval from your Program Coordinator in the form of a signed Letter of Permission. Non-exchange opportunities are not limited to institutions that have signed a partnership agreement with Humber, and can open up many new possibilities. However, students studying on non-exchange programs abroad are subject to paying the tuition set by the host institution and are often accountable for higher international student fees. You will also be responsible for more upfront research as the school you select may be unfamiliar to Humber faculty and staff.

South America and the Caribbean

Country City Institution
Jamaica Kingston University of Technology, Jamaica 
Peru Lima & Cusco Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola


Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Humber students may independently request to attend an accredited college or university abroad by attaining approval from your Program Coordinator in the form of a signed Letter of Permission. Non-exchange opportunities are not limited to institutions that have signed a partnership agreement with Humber, and can open up many new possibilities. However, students studying on non-exchange programs abroad are subject to paying the tuition set by the host institution and are often accountable for higher international student fees. You will also be responsible for more upfront research as the school you select may be unfamiliar to Humber faculty and staff.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Humber students may independently request to attend an accredited college or university abroad by attaining approval from your Program Coordinator in the form of a signed Letter of Permission. Non-exchange opportunities are not limited to institutions that have signed a partnership agreement with Humber, and can open up many new possibilities. However, students studying on non-exchange programs abroad are subject to paying the tuition set by the host institution and are often accountable for higher international student fees. You will also be responsible for more upfront research as the school you select may be unfamiliar to Humber faculty and staff.

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Step 2: Complete the Application and Letter of Intent

You can find the online application form here. This link includes detailed instructions on the application process, guidelines to writing a Letter of Intent, Terms and Conditions and the Application Form. You will be asked to write a Letter of Intent of approx. 500 – 750 words. You will also be asked to upload your Unofficial Transcript from MyHumber, and upload a copy of your passport, if applicable.

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Step 3: Complete the Interview

The Humber Global team will review your application and letter of intent, and invite you to attend an interview. The purpose of the interview is for our team to get to know you and to understand your reasons for studying abroad. Please review your Study Plan and Letter of Intent prior to coming to the interview.

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What Happens Next?

All successful candidates nominated for a Semester Abroad will receive a notification of recommendation within 2 – 4 weeks after the application deadline. This notification will list the host institution you have been recommended to and information regarding next steps which will include (but are not limited to):

  1. Signing a Semester Exchange Learning Agreement by you and your Program Coordinator
  2. Attending a mandatory Pre-Departure Orientation Workshop session, which will cover a variety of essential topics including: cross-cultural adaptation and “culture shock”, health & safety abroad, being a Humber student ambassador, global citizenship, and general travel tips.
  3. The Humber Global International Mobility Coordinator will assist you to complete your application to the host institution. Visit the Before You Go section of our website for more details on these “next steps” to your journey.

Questions? Visit our Contact page!