Digital Design

illustration of gears in motion

Knowledge Check

Select the answer from the options for each question. More than one answer may apply. Correct answers will appear with a checkmark and incorrect answers will appear with an X.

1. The required colour contrast ratio for body text is:

question-1-answer-a: 4.5:1

question-1-answer-b: 5.4:1

question-1-answer-c: 3:1

question-1-answer-d: 7:1

Please pause the text to speech reader to answer the question. What follows next will be the answer.

Question 1 Right answer: A. 4.5:1.

2. Increased colour contrast between foreground and background elements benefits:

question-2-answer-a: Low vision users

question-2-answer-b: Colour blind users

question-2-answer-c: Dyslexic users

question-2-answer-d: Everyone

Please pause the text to speech reader to answer the question. What follows next will be the answer.

Question 2 Right answer: D. Everyone.

3. Which types of fonts are recommended for improved readability on screen?

question-11-answer-a: Light & condensed fonts

question-11-answer-b: Light & condensed fonts

question-11-answer-c: Script fonts

question-11-answer-d: Serif fonts

Please pause the text to speech reader to answer the question. What follows next will be the answer.

Question 3 Right answer: B. Sans serif fonts.

4. You have designed an information sheet with 2 sections. The sections are visually divided by a colourful swirly line. What type of image is the dividing line?

question-12-answer-a: Functional image

question-12-answer-b: Decorative image

question-12-answer-c: Informative image

question-12-answer-d: Structural image

Please pause the text to speech reader to answer the question. What follows next will be the answer.

Question 4 Right answer: B. Decorative image.

5. True or False: If text is embedded in your image, you must include it in your alt-text.

question-3-answer-a: True

question-3-answer-b: False

Please pause the text to speech reader to answer the question. What follows next will be the answer.

Question 5 Right answer: A. True.

6. Well written alt text, that has value for the user, considers:

question-4-answer-a: The context of the image

question-4-answer-b: The location of the image

question-4-answer-c: Every detail in the image

question-4-answer-d: None of the above

Please pause the text to speech reader to answer the question. What follows next will be the answer.

Question 6 Right answer: A. The context of the image.

7. What are accessible book formats?

question-8-answer-a: A book with large print

question-8-answer-b: An audio book

question-8-answer-c: An e-book

question-8-answer-d: A book in braille

question-8-answer-e: All of the above

Please pause the text to speech reader to answer the question. What follows next will be the answer.

Question 7 Right answer: E. All of the above.

8. What is a ‘born accessible’ book?

question-9-answer-a: An accessible version of a book you can request after a book is published.

question-9-answer-b: A book about how to publish an accessible book.

question-9-answer-c: A book that you can get from the library.

question-9-answer-d: Accessible versions of a book published at the same time as the print copy.

Please pause the text to speech reader to answer the question. What follows next will be the answer.

Question 8 Right answer: D. Accessible versions of a book published at the same time as the print copy.