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Accessibility Awareness Training for Educators

Protocol for Accommodating Students with Disabilities Continued

Students who register with Accessible Learning Services will meet with an Accessibility Consultant. Based on their interaction with the student and expertise in the area of disability and higher education, the Accessibility Consultant will determine if there is a disability-related need for academic accommodations.

In most cases, once the need for academic accommodations has been established, the Accessibility Consultant will be able to recommend appropriate accommodations. At this stage, the Accessibility Consultant will develop an accommodation plan and prepare an Accommodation Letter.

The recommended accommodation(s) will be communicated to faculty via an accommodation letter from the Accessibility Consultant. Sometimes students opt to have Accessible Learning Services send this letter directly to faculty and sometimes students wish to communicate with faculty directly. This is their choice.

Faculty are encouraged to contact the Accessibility Consultant if they have questions regarding the accommodation letter. When students wish to enact particular accommodations, such as using Testing Services to complete a test or exam, they must notify their faculty.

It is important to remember that the educational providers have the right to know about the accommodation needs of their students, but students have the right to keep the nature of their disability confidential.