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News and Announcements

Inclusive Hiring Initiative

Learn about Humber's inclusive hiring initiative focused on increasing representation of Indigenous and Black full-time faculty within the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences (FLAS). 

Honouring our Indigenous Roots

Acknowledging the land and the traditional territories upon which Humber is located

Notice of Requirement to Achieve and Maintain Pay Equity

Employees are entitled to information about how their employer has and is complying with the law.

Get Connected

View Human Rights & Inclusion contact information to find support.

About Us

We ensure an environment free from discrimination and harassment, which protects human rights, and enables the human spirit.

Positive Employee Relations

Creating a positive climate that supports high performance culture and employee contribution.

Count Yourself In

Have you completed the Revised Employment Equity Questionnaire?

Sexual Violence Training for Employees

We look forward to your support in ensuring Humber’s commitment to ending sexual violence.