Systems Integration

System integration is the process of joining various subsystems used in a variety of industrial processes into a larger, more efficient, and cohesive system. Students working on applied research projects in this area combine existing components into an integrated system and ensure that each subsystem functions in sync, supporting innovation. Considerable work has been directed towards supporting Ontario’s manufacturing sector. These system integration projects often feature the skills demonstrated by students from Humber programs such as Electromechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electronics, and Industrial Design. By collaborating with Humber on these projects, partners have access to facilities such as the Robotics/Automation Lab, Instrumentation, Process Control, PLC Lab, and the Manufacturing Lab and Machine Shop.


  • ATSC 3.0 Lab Threshold Testing Description Sinclair Broadcast Group

    Funder: NSERC | Program: IE Build | Willie Perez / Office of Research and Innovation

    Series of tests to be performed on ATSC receivers to verify that consumer grade receivers perform as expected. This series of tests is not comprehensive and is a spot check on some of the more critical receiver performance areas. Most of the tests are for ATSC 3.0 receivers with one of the tests also testing ATSC 1.0 Receivers. 

  • Caring for the Thunderbird’s Nest: Geophysical and Machine Learning solutions to characterize and monitor inequitable Exposures to Ground and Air Pollution

    Funder: CIHR | Program: CCSIF | Maria Jacome / Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology

    The project will address a health and environmental crisis in the FWFN community – a cluster of leukemia in very young community members who spent time in childhood in an area with over a century of industrial development, including pulp and paper, metallurgy, coal-fired power, rail, chemical plants, contaminated dredge, industrial disposal sites, fueling stations, and other industries. The community has noted that children under five who spent time in a residential area adjacent to the industrial lands were most likely to experience this atypically young onset of leukemia. The industrial lands have been subject to Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) paid for by the government and industry as part of comprehensive land claim processes. Despite dozens of ESAs over several decades, FWFN leadership does not have relevant information in a format that is useful for the community to make decisions. They also do not trust the reporting practices of the liable parties who have been obliged by law to finance the ESAs. This project will work in a nest of collaboration with FWFN in a model of integrated knowledge translation – researchers and community learning together

  • Design SER system with the ability to process and classify speech signals to detect emotions embedded

    Funder: NSERC | Program: ARTP-1 | Parisa Pouladzadeh / Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology

    Press’nXPress plans to add contextual sentiment analysis to determine what emotion is being expressed, such as customer frustration, confusion, and concern in a phone call conversation. Although there are many advancements in speech emotion recognition (SER) systems, SER performance drastically decreases in natural noisy environments and call center phone quality. In this project, we are going to design and optimize an SER system with the ability to process and classify speech signals to detect emotions embedded in them in a near real-time situation with the call center phone call quality. Design SER system with the ability to process and classify speech signals to detect emotions embedded.

  • Development of a Data Server Framework

    Funder: NSERC | Program: ARTP-1 | David Weisz / Office of Research and Innovation

    Torstar’s flagship news product, The Toronto Star Newspapers Ltd (TSNL), has become increasingly interested in covering cybersecurity issues (data breaches, ransomware, etc.) but lacks the expertise and technical framework for delving deeper into these issues. Specifically, they lack the expertise to safely extract, analyze, and share data retrieved from the un-indexed “Dark Web”, where primary documents related to data breaches and ransomware attacks are regularly shared publicly. This would be accomplished by working with the Faculty of Social & Community Services’ PSI Program to develop a technical and logistical framework (a data server solution as well as reporter training in cybersecurity fundamentals) to bolster the Star’s reporting in this sector. Potential outcomes include the establishment of a new cybersecurity beat, or even a separate subscription publication to create additional revenue streams for the company.

  • Development of Ultra-Long-Range Wireless Backhaul Link using ATSC 3.0

    Funder: NSERC | Program: IE Build | Willie Perez / Office of Research and Innovation

    ​The objective is to develop a next-generation ultra-long-range wireless backhaul solution for operators of point-to-point communication systems Using the physical layer of the Advanced Television Systems Committee 3.0 broadcast standard (ATSC 3.0), and available sub-1GHz frequencies, the ULRWB project aim is to increase the achievable distance of backhaul hops for high throughput and low-latency broadband access. The solution would be future-ready, facilitating integration with Internet Service Providers (ISP) with current and emerging fixed and cellular technologies, including 5G infrastructure.

  • Traceability of Honey (Bees and Blockchain)

    Funder: NSERC | Program: ARTP-1 | Nedal Ismail / Longo Faculty of Business

    This project will work with the industry partner, InCube, and a Honey Producer in the Niagara Region of  Ontario on the Traceability of Honey. Using GS1 and EPCIS 1.2 and 2.0 standard technology, every step of the production, collection, pasteurization, packaging and distribution of honey will be collected, and traceable via an individualized serial number on each container of honey for retail sale.  Purchasers of the container will be able, via a QR code scanned by a smartphone, to see every step in the value chain in the production of the honey they have purchased.

    This project will be a study pilot study tracing honey using the global GS1 and EPCIS 1.2 and 2.0 Traceability Standards via InCube’s global IT platform and utilizing a study of the feasibility of moving the Blockchain’s immutable ledger data in further phases of the project, to allow all of the participants of the value-chain in the production of honey to ensure that the single-use serial number will ensure that there is no doubt about the authenticity of the product and its origins.