Traceability of Honey (Bees and Blockchain)

ORI Grant ID
Research Area(s): Internet of Things, Systems Integration | Funder: NSERC | Program: ARTP-1
PI Name: Nedal Ismail | Faculty/Department: Longo Faculty of Business

This project will work with the industry partner, InCube, and a Honey Producer in the Niagara Region of  Ontario on the Traceability of Honey. Using GS1 and EPCIS 1.2 and 2.0 standard technology, every step of the production, collection, pasteurization, packaging and distribution of honey will be collected, and traceable via an individualized serial number on each container of honey for retail sale.  Purchasers of the container will be able, via a QR code scanned by a smartphone, to see every step in the value chain in the production of the honey they have purchased.

This project will be a study pilot study tracing honey using the global GS1 and EPCIS 1.2 and 2.0 Traceability Standards via InCube’s global IT platform and utilizing a study of the feasibility of moving the Blockchain’s immutable ledger data in further phases of the project, to allow all of the participants of the value-chain in the production of honey to ensure that the single-use serial number will ensure that there is no doubt about the authenticity of the product and its origins.