Optimizing Educational Workflows: An Assessment of Staff Adoption of AI Technologies for Enhanced Efficiency at Humber College

Funder: Internal Funds
Program: SEED
PI Name: Akil Annamunthodo
Faculty/Department: Student Success and Engagement
Research Area(s): Other

The project titled "Optimizing Educational Workflows: An Assessment of Staff Adoption of AI Technologies for Enhanced Efficiency at Humber College" focuses on examining the use and impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools among the college staff. It aims to understand how these technologies are integrated into staff workflows, identifying both the barriers to their adoption and the opportunities they present. The project will conduct surveys and focus groups to analyze staff awareness, perceptions, and experiences with AI, assessing its effect on operational efficiency and student experiences. Ultimately, the study seeks to inform decisions on professional development and resource allocation, aligning with Humber College's goals of innovation and excellence in education to improve student success and engagement