Utilize data analytics to identify common communication challenges for autistic children and develop customized visual and textual content to address these specific issues.

Funder: ARTP 1
Program: ARTP 1
PI Name: Parisa Pouladzadeh
Faculty/Department: Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology
Research Area(s): Systems Integration; Social Innovation

Identifying common communication challenges for autistic children and developing customized visual and textual content to address these specific issues is an important endeavor aimed at improving the communication and social interaction skills of children on the autism spectrum. Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by a range of challenges in social communication and behavior. The project centers around the utilization of data analytics to pinpoint prevalent communication challenges experienced by autistic children. It aims to develop customized visual and textual content tailored to address these specific issues. This innovative approach seeks to enhance communication outcomes and support the unique needs of autistic children, ultimately fostering improved interactions and engagement.