2018-23 Strategic Plan Update: We Continue to Engage

After completing an environmental scan and undertaking stakeholder consultations in late 2017, Humber entered Phase 3 of its strategic planning process: Building Humber’s Plan.

Over the last few months, key members of the Humber community have been developing Humber’s strategic priorities, goals and related indicators based on the consultations. Still in draft form with more changes to come, it is time to share the draft priorities:

Strategic Priority 1: Humber creates a differentiated PSE experience

  1. As the polytechnic of choice, Humber will increasingly be recognized as a leader in Canada and around the world and will contribute to the transformation of postsecondary education
  2. Humber will be differentiated by its high quality programs
  3. Students will benefit from unequaled work integrated learning experiences
  4. Humber will create the conditions for student success by enhancing health and well-being

Strategic Priority 2:  Industry and community turn to Humber for innovation

  1. Industry and community partners will have strong reciprocal relationships with Humber
  2. Humber will build on its culture of research and innovation integrating applied research into our academic programs

Strategic Priority 3: Working and studying at Humber means you join a community

  1. In an increasingly globalized world, we will have a framework which integrates the concepts of equity, diversity and inclusion into everything that we do

Strategic Priority 4: Humber’s strong foundations contribute to a sustainable future

  1. Humber will engage in continuous improvement and sustainability
  2. Humber maintains financial stability to ensure long-term viability 

To see the reports from the 2017 consultation sessions that resulted in these priorities, please visit the Strategic Planning website.