2022 Humber Innovation of the Year Winners

Congratulations to Omar Davis, Drew Campbell, Stephanie Maggs, Mark Pezzelato, Aidan Pearson, Sara Chalmers on being awarded the Humber Innovation of the Year Award 2022 for their project, "Humber Campus Compass Wayfinding App."

Campus Compass was created to help the Humber and University of Guelph-Humber community (students, staff, faculty and guests) navigate over 3 million square feet of our learning environment. Its central purpose is to help reduce the stressors of finding your way, or simply provide an opportunity to explore and discover the campus, classrooms and services even before you arrive. The app also has AODA accessibility features to simplify travel for those who use wheelchairs or other mobility aids. Recently, ITS leveraged partnerships to re-design the App for an improved user interface while also adding Lakeshore and International Graduate School maps. The App not only features real-time guided navigation to the users point of interest, but also features a Dine-On Campus page to help locate food and drink options, a live “Tech Talk” support chat for immediate technical assistance, real-time transit schedules for North, Lakeshore and IGS campuses for commuters, an improved search functionality for all spaces and services, live Humber Twitter feeds and finally, a new logo and branded theme. ITS has garnered support by IGNITE on this initiative and areas like Marketing & Communications and Student Services help promote and advertise Campus Compass internally and externally via social media, campus tours and printed mail-out documents. The App is fully integrated into the Humber experience. Campus Compass is available on both mobile device platforms (Apple and Android) and supports all current types of mobile devices. Since its inception, the App has been downloaded over 33,000 and has seen over 28,000 individual map searches, 34,000 direction requests, 44,000 annotations tapped and nearly 19,000 map views.

View the video presentation

Thank you all for your dedication in creating an innovative and collaborative project that benefits the entire Humber Community!