Accessible Learning Services Best Practice Considerations - Why Aren't More Companies Hiring the Neurodivergent?

Accessible Learning Services shares some best practices considerations:

  • Most industries are currently challenged with labour shortages (CBC News, 2022). 

  • Even with this shortage, employment barriers remain high for Canadians with autism.

  • In 2017, the Public Health Agency of Canada found 33% of Canadian adults with autism reported being employed compared to 79% of adults without a disability.

  • Ernst and Young launched a neurodiversity recruiting program in 2020. Since then, they have added 45 neurodiverse employees with a 98% retention rate.

  • Deloitte Canada and Ernst & Young have modified the interview process to focus on competence rather than on how a candidate might behave in a certain scenario. The typical job interview process may eliminate highly qualified candidates with autism. 

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