Advisor Training 2022 - Call for Proposals

Advising & Career Services at Humber College is excited to announce this year's annual Advisor Training Conference. Our theme for 2022 is Leveraging this Moment for a Transformative Future taking place May 16 to 20. This year we are planning to have a hybrid event for staff and faculty to have opportunities to connect in person, virtually, or both! The goal of the Advisor Training Conference is to provide high-quality, relevant professional development in advising, student success, and student supports for our Humber College staff and faculty.

We encourage staff and faculty who are interested in presenting to submit a proposal by completing the Presentation Proposal Form. The deadline to submit a presentation proposal is April 8. Possible session types include:

  • 60 to 90-minute Informational, Instructional, and/or Interactive Session presenting on a concept tied to professional development for student advising.
  • 45-minute Wellness Session leading participants through a live wellness, self-care activity. 

Proposals will be reviewed by the Advising Training Committee and notification of proposal acceptance will be sent by April 19.

Please feel free to share this with your Humber College network and colleagues who may be interested in attending and presenting. We hope that you will submit a proposal to share your knowledge and experience with your colleagues and join us as we continue to advance in the field of advising and student success at Humber!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to connect with us.

Thank you,

Your Advising Training Co-Chairs

Kayla Carter
Shanice Coker
Micah Udenby