ALS Accommodation Letters - Multiple Faculty Teaching the Same Course

Accessible Learning Services shares some best practices considerations:

  • Accessible Learning Services recognizes that there may be multiple faculty assigned to teach the same course section.
  • For Humber specifically, if the new faculty member taking over is assigned as an instructor of the course on MyHumber/Banner, then they may already notice student Accommodation Letters on the ALS Faculty Web Portal
  • If faculty are teaching the first half of a course only, we recommend that they alert faculty teaching the second half of the course to any students who have an Accommodation Letter. 
  • Remember, although most student Accommodation Letters are available on the Faculty Web Portal, some students prefer to share their letters directly with faculty independently and these will not be reflected on the portal. 
  • We encourage faculty taking over the course to reach out to students with Accommodation Letters and confirm the letter has been reviewed.
  • Questions about accessing the faculty web portal, can be addressed to  

Visit our ALS Information for Faculty website to learn more about accommodating students with disabilities. 

Please email us at with suggestions for key accessibility-related topics that you would like us to address through the Communiqué.