Archibus Work Order System

CDFM will be launching their New Work Order and Space Management Platform, Archibus on March 5 - 7, 2017. Archibus will completely replace the legacy Facilities Management Pervidi Work Order System. Archibus will provide users with a more robust Building Operations Console for monitoring of Work Requests. It will also provide access to current CDFM Campus Floorplans and Departmental Space allocation data.Moving forward many more features and applications will become availiblefor clients staff and students through this platform. All users will need to have an active HCNET account along with your current Humber username and password to login to an Archibus account through Single SignOn. Help Guides are availible on our website along with additional resources and information to help navigate the new forms. As always our Help Desk staff is available at x4444 to help with any login or work order concerns and issues or email We appreciate everyones patience durning this transition phase and would love to hear your comments questions and feedback as this system comes online. SERVICE SUPPORT NOTE - If you are trying to accessing the new Archibus platform and encounter any issues with USER LOGIN or ACCESS please call x4444 prior to calling or visiting ITS.