Bring Joy to Every Day - Appreciation Wall Spring 2022

The Campus Culture Working Group aims to work alongside the Humber community to cultivate and sustain a healthy and inclusive culture. One of the ways to enhance feelings of belonging and inclusion is through the expression of gratitude. Employee recognition is one of the foundations of a successful workplace. At Humber College, we know that showing gratitude has the power to increase belonging and acknowledge another person’s value and humanity.

Starting on May 12 to June 1, 2022, let us “Spring” into the warmer weather by intentionally bringing joy into every day by deepening gratitude and appreciation throughout our campuses. There are many ways to express gratitude – a smile, a nod, saying thank you, or assisting a co-worker with a task without them asking.

You are invited to reflect and share your appreciation to someone by submitting to Humber’s Virtual Appreciation Wall.

Responses will be shared on June 3, 2022.

For more information pertaining please contact Campus Culture Chair Kathryn Edgett at