CAAT Pension Information Sessions

HR Services is happy to welcome CAAT to Humber! Listed below are details on 4 different sessions that will be offered during the year. If you are not available to attend a session in person, WebEx conferencing will be available. Contact Maureen Martin-Edey by email or by phone at x4509 If you would like to speak to a pension expert privately, one-on-one (15 min) meetings will be scheduled after each session. Contact Haley Bai by email Time: All sessions are from 12 p.m – 1 p.m. Location: North Campus sessions will take place in the Board of Governors Room, LRC 6108 Lakeshore Campus sessions will take place in the Community Room, L1017 Service Purchases North Campus – Wednesday March 1 Lakeshore Campus – Monday February 27 Retirement Planning North Campus – Tuesday March 21 Lakeshore Campus – Monday March 20 Part-time Pension Overview North Campus – Thursday September 21 Lakeshore Campus – Monday September 25 Introduction to the Plan North Campus – Tuesday October 17 Lakeshore Campus – Monday October 16 To register and/or view further details, please visit